
Xenopoulos Museum


Xenopoulos Museum

The Xenopoulos Museum is housed in Gaita street (in the historic district Revealed) and includes author's personal belongings, manuscripts, editions of his works, issues of the journal "The Diaplasis of Children", various books, pamphlets, brochures, photographs, etc. . also in the exhibits are included objects, furnitures and fixtures from the home of the Xenopoulou family, and various kinds of the author's daughter, Efthalia Xenopoulou Natsiou and her husband, Christopher Natsios, sculptor.

Xenopoulos is the founder of the Greek novel, Greek children's literature, the reformer of Greek theater, the spiritual father of our current writers. Our national novelist and educator. For the moral of our children the unforgettable "Phaedon", spent countless nights of his life searching for ways to affect the right, the law, the honest and the brave. Watch vigilantly their souls and protects nerves.








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